Temperature's rising.

PositionWhat's new? Holiday gifts galore - Heating products from Vornado Air Ciruclation Systems Inc.

Fireplaces make for romantic evenings, but anybody who owns one will tell you they don't heat worth a lick. In fact, they draw warmth out of the room and send it up the chimney. Vornado, Andover, Kan., a specialist in air circulation--who could have guessed there was so much to know about air movement in the home?--has devised two ways to keep you toasty this winter without making you take out a second mortgage just to pay the heating bills: the VH2/Whole Room Vortex Heater ($85) and DVH/Whole Room Digital Vortex Heater ($110).

Ordinary space heaters provide only localized heat, warming just the person sitting in front of it. Then the heat rises, resulting in cold and hot spots throughout the room. The VH2, however, blankets the entire room with warmth--floor to ceiling, wall to wall, and corner to corner. The dual outlets take in high volumes of air for maximum performance, while the propeller is deep-pitched to scoop air--quietly. The grill focuses air into a tight beam for whole-room circulation. Moreover, there are no metal parts to rattle, dent, or loosen, and the flat back allows out-of-the-way placement. For safety's sake, the nonglowing heat element is mounted to nonflammable mica; there's an overheat thermal breaker with a backup fuse; and the unit automatically shuts off if it tips over or airflow becomes blocked by curtains, blankets, clothes, etc.

The DVH has all the same features as the VH2--and then some. The...

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