TEI - wonderfully the same, wonderfully different.

AuthorMacfarlane, Sandy
PositionTax Executives Institute - President's page

Traveling for TEI is one of the responsibilities--and benefits--of serving in the Institute's senior leadership. Over the past three years, and now, as Institute president, I have had the opportunity to visit chapter, regional, and Institute events around the world. Visiting chapters in different parts of the world provides insight and perspective on "how TEI is done" in places other than in my home chapter. To be sure, there are differences, and I will touch on those. But more important, the similarities are distinct. The quality of the meetings, the preeminence of the speakers, and the timely nature of the issues discussed are some of the core elements that link and bind us around the world. Undergirding them all is TEIs raison d'etre--members helping members.

Most recently, I attended the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) chapter's winter meeting in Madrid and was honored to participate in a panel discussion led by An Theeuwes that focused on career development, including the hiring, training, and retention of tax professionals. These issues, in some shape or form, are on the minds of every in-house tax professional, be they emerging or executive. I was struck by the depth of experience of the members and their willingness to share. It is a truly international group, and the many viewpoints make for a rich dialogue. Felicitaciones to all who helped design and deliver an outstanding meeting and the support of the Garrigues law firm, which hosted and sponsored the meeting. A very special thanks to Alex Kolbl, Eva Sanchez, and Dr. Lluis Fargas Mas for all the courtesies extended to Christiana and me during our visit.

Members Helping Members

As I reflected on my Madrid experience--my presentation in particular and the meeting in general--it occurred to me that the discussion could very well have taken place in San Francisco, my home chapter, or virtually anywhere else in the TEI world: In-house folks sitting beside their colleagues, grappling with the same or similar challenges in an environment designed to foster learning, networking, and engagement. This is the embodiment of TEI--members helping other members, a principle that has stood the test of time for more than seventy years.

The differences from one corner of the TEI world to another are probably more accurately described as variations, as they speak more to matters of degree, not kind. For example, issues prominent and urgent in a particular geography may be less so elsewhere...

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