TEI's 62nd Annual Conference: program available.... and compelling.

Without question, the tax and management challenges confronting today's tax executive continue to multiply, posing challenges and opportunities not only to in-house tax professionals but also to TEI's Continuing Education Committee. Indeed, with so many tax, financial reporting, and management issues to choose among, the conference planners found it difficult to design a conference that properly balances member needs. Difficult, but clearly not impossible, as the program for this year's Annual Conference--slated for the Gaylord Palms Hotel in Orlando from October 21 to 24--proves. Without question, the program agenda presents the rich mix of technical tax, management, and industry offerings necessary for today's tax executive. The full program has been mailed to all TEI members and is available at www.tei.org.

This year's conference will begin with an intellectually stimulating and somewhat unnerving talk from Professor Marvin Zonis, emeritus professor of business at the University of Chicago. A renowned political economist, Professor Zonis will discuss global, political, and economic trends, make predictions about forthcoming changes, and offer suggestions for what companies can do to prepare.

Another highlight of the conference will be a stimulating panel discussion on the ongoing effect of financial reporting of tax matters and, in particular, FIN 48 on companies and tax departments. Moderated by TEI Financial Reporting Committee Chair Terilea Wielenga of Allergan, the panel will feature Stuart Seigel, a former IRS Chief Counsel, and Saul Rosen, Chief Tax Officer at Citigroup. They will discuss what the recent pronoucements from the FASB and IRS means for tax professionals as they cope with the challenges of managing tax and risk in an increasingly transparent world.

Senior government officials at this year's conference will include IRS Chief Counsel Donald L. Korb, as well as the Treasury Department's new Deputy Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy), Karen Gilbreath-Sowell, who addressed TEI when she was in private practice.

Conference registrants will have an array of concurrent sessions to choose among, including:

* Developing Trends in FIN48 Disclosures

* FIN48/FAS109: Traps and Trends for Senior Tax Executives

* Lessons Learned from Section 199

* [RS International Tax Initiatives

* New Corporate Tax Department Metrics

* Acquisitions and Repatriations involving Canadian Corporations

* Restraints on State Nexus

* Managing Foreign Audits


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