A teenage Republican finds the proper fit.

AuthorRickman, Kathleen

Debate class was nothing like this. When I stepped onto the stage for the public debate between the Teenage Republicans and a group of Democrats from my high school, I felt nervous and shaky despite the piles of notes and weeks of research. Never once, though, was I unsure about my arguments, because they were based on what I believe in.

Many people might think that a Republican teenager is an oxymoron, but for me it was the only proper fit. I am no less a wild and fun member of our generation simply because I plan to vote for Bush in November. Wearing tighter clothes and listening to louder music doesn't mean your political compass always has to point to liberal. The foundation of my belief in the Republican Party is its economic approach and its (theoretical) rejection of big government, but it was really Bush's decisive and moral response to September 11 that has most influenced my views.

Almost all of my friends are Democrats. Sure, this opens us up to endless conflicts, but hey, we're still friends, aren't we? Sometimes we enjoy a little political sparring, but there are a few issues that we mutually decide are too hot and therefore off limits. Except for the occasional gibe at my expense, they respect my opinions even if they completely disagree.

Last summer, I decided that I needed to become more politically active. I had a ton of great ideas for my senior year, but my primary goal was to start a Teenage Republicans club in my school so that...

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