Tea party lessons.

AuthorHurray, Phil
PositionLetters to the Editor - Letter to the editor

Although many of us progressives were dismayed by the recent election results, they were predictable "Lessons of November," Comment, by Matthew Rothschild with Ruth Conniff, December 2010/January 2011 issue). The economy is in deplorable shape, while Congress and the President continue to cater to corporations over American small businesses and average citizens.

It's no wonder that many of our citizens here are looking for someone--anyone--to help them pull out of this funk.

This is especially true in Arizona, where many political offices went to either Republicans or to tea party supporters. The Phoenix area, where I live, has particularly been hit with home foreclosures, layoffs, and overall financial misery and confusion.

Democrats and more left-leaning people seem passive and content and willing to be defeated by this insane rightwing rhetoric. In my view, this must be fought immediately.

So please continue to serve as a strong beacon of light and publish powerful articles and photographs related to political reform and social change.

Don't let down friends. You are one of the few truthful media sources left. Keep up the good fight.

Phil Hurray

Tempe, Arizona

When will the little light bulb in your head go off so that you will finally realize that the Democratic Party is not worth wringing your hands over? Don't you understand that there is only one political party in America--the Corporate Party?

Your magazine needs to ditch the fantasy that there is an Jota of...

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