Taylor, Zachary (1784–1850)

AuthorPaul Finkelman

Page 2663

A professional soldier and hero of the Mexican War, Zachary Taylor was elected President as a WHIG in 1848. A moderate on most issues, Taylor was a Louisiana slaveholder who was politically close to New Yorkers Thurlow Weed and WILLIAM SEWARD. Taylor opposed any interference with slavery in the South but also opposed opening the Mexican Cession to slavery. Similarly, he opposed the WILMOT PROVISO but advocated immediate admission of California and New Mexico as free states. He opposed the COMPROMISE OF 1850 and would probably have vetoed most of its provisions, had he not died in July 1850.




HAMILTON, HOLMAN 1941 Zachary Taylor: Soldier of the Republic. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

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