Taking Stock.

AuthorWewe, Keith N.

Performance reviews--ugh!" Have you ever uttered these words? Why do we feel the "ugh?" I'll tell you why--because the entire performance review process is flawed. They are often one-time reviews that are structured around the completion of big initiatives or annual salary adjustments.

But what about the individual steps that got you to the end game? Did everyone forget about those? These small steps are as important, if not more important, than the destination.

As leaders in our law firms, companies, the LMA and life, we should constantly take stock of our current situation so that we may make course corrections as they occur, not months later.

I've charted out six quick tips that will help you take matters into your own hands--to anticipate what will be included in an annual review, to help you with a career boost, and to create a plan that will change your business and personal life plan.

  1. Rate yourself. The key to this exercise being productive is honesty. Come up with a list of 10 criteria on which others rate you, then rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 on how you perform in these areas. Then, do it again in two months, then again in two more, and again.

  2. Be specific about your accomplishments. Here's your chance to say great things about yourself. It's important that you document these so this exercise feels like a positive experience and that you capture the things you did well so that you repeat the behavior.

  3. Acknowledge your mistakes. I often tell my colleagues that not a day goes by when I don't make a mistake. Documenting the areas...

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