Taking Steps to Save Lives.

PositionELECTRIC SHOCK DROWNING - Brief article

The dog days of August are a good time to talk about water safety. Life vests, fire extinguishers, flotation devices that can be thrown in the water, and proper lighting are a few essentials for recreation in a pool or lake, but some people are not aware of one of the most-dangerous and life-threatening hazards that can kill swimmers without warning. ESD, or electric shock drowning, can occur when electrical connections around pools, lakes, and other bodies of water are not installed or maintained properly.

"You should make sure that the dock area is safe!' says Molly Hall, executive director of the Safe Electricity program for the Energy Education Council, Springfield, III. "This means being certain electrical connections are properly installed and safely maintained. Your loved ones' lives just might depend on ir

Hall suggests that boaters and swimmers inspect pool areas and docks for hazardous conditions. If you are not sure about the safety of...

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