Table of Contents

JurisdictionUnited States,Federal
CitationVol. 30 No. 1
Publication year2022

Table of Contents

Journal of Intellectual Property Law

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Universalizing Copyright Fair Use: To Copy, or Not to Copy....................................................Taysir Awad 1

An Intentionalist Proposal to Reform the Transformative Use Doctrine.....................................................................................Madelyn Chen 55


Innocent Until Proven Posted:

Regulating Online Mugshot Publication with Intellectual Property Law...........................................................................Amanda Cheek 112

Consistent Inconsistency: BASF v. SNF & the Licensing Exception to 35 U.S.C. § 102(B)'s On-Sale Bar..............................................................................................................James C. Durham 140

Inventing the Right Drug: Artificial Intelligence May Just be the Cure for an Antiquated Patent System...................................................Matthew Hashemi 169

Dropping the Mic on Indie Artists: How Trademark Law Fails to Protect Independent Artists Against Music Industry Giants............................................................................................Kaitlin Hocker 189

Trademark Modernization Act and the Codification of the Presumption of Irreparable...

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