Table of Contents

JurisdictionCalifornia,United States
Publication year2019
CitationVol. 41 No. 4

Message from the Chair.......................................................................................................................3

Message from the Editor.....................................................................................................................5

Evolution of Self Defense....................................................................................................................6
By CarolAnn Peterson, PhD

A historical look at the development of laws relating to battered persons and self-defense, including a look back at English common law, federal legislation in the United States, and recent case law in California.

Was the Premarital Agreement Executed Voluntarily? A Look at the Evolution of the Infamous "7-Day Rule"..........................................................................................................10
By Alleen Markarian

Explore important elements involved in drafting premarital agreements and the new legislation that amended Family Code section 1615 effective January 1, 2020.

Dismissed Juvenile Dependency Cases in Family Court.........................................................15
By John Nieman and Andrew Cain

An overview of what happens when a juvenile dependency court terminates its jurisdiction over a minor child and the evidentiary standard to modify such an order in family court.

Disqualification of Judges................................................................................................................17
By Michael G. Loeffler

Beyond the familiar, there exist plausible means to disqualify judicial officers, and this discussion highlights many of those potential paths.

Court Staff Awards by the Family Law Executive Committee of the California Lawyers Association......................................................................................................................21
By Robin Birnbaum and Alexandra O'Neill

In 2019, two outstanding individuals were presented the Court Staff Award...

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