Swann's Rebuttal to Diamond

Swann’s Rebuttal to
The differencesbetween the co-editors astosurveyformats fordilu-
tion areprimarilynuanced. Asan example, wewould bothrejectan
aidedassociation question,What[type of product/automobile]
comestomind when Isay(orwhen yousee) [allegedlydiluting brand/
TAMOTA]?,asimproperlynarrowing amemory search. Iwould
favor,however,Whatbrand orbrands,ifany,come tomind, when
Isay(orwhen yousee) [allegedlydiluting brand]?,asframing the
inquiry in amarketplace context (and notdemanding an answer)–as
opposed toDr.Diamond’s whollyneutral question, Whatwasthe
first thing thatcame tomind when hearing (orwhen seeing) [allegedly
diluting brand]?” (thatmaybe deemed byrespondents todemand an
answer). Thatisabout asnuanced asyoucan get.
Thereisone substantiveand majordifference legal between us.
Dr.Diamond essentiallyreadsthe phraseassociation arising from
the similarity between amarkortrade name and afamous markthat
impairs the distinctiveness of the famous markasfocusing on asso-
ciation thatimpairs distinctiveness”; and from thatreading, she then
observes:(a) that“[i]twould be desirable tohaveasurveydesign that
could test directlywhetheramarkislikelytocausedilution, that
is,whetheranyobtained association islikelytoimpairdistinctiveness
”; and (b) thatabsentsuch asurvey,courts will havetocontinue
tostruggle, unaided bydirectsurveyevidence….1Idisagree withthe
focus on and linkage between association and impaired distinctiveness;
and, consequently:(a) withanyneed forasurveytodoanything more
thatmeasureassociation;and (b) withthe suggestion thatcourts must
struggle anymorewithdilution-factoranalysesthan theyhave, for
First,whynotread the definitional phraseasfocusing on similarity
thatimpairs distinctiveness”? Atleast twoBoarddecisionshave
appropriatelyinferred association from similarity in finding (in
1. ShariSeidman Diamond, Surveys in Dilution CasesIIat162.

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