Surviving a Pisces.

AuthorEnglish, Mary

"My love affair was beautiful, passionate, and intense. I'd never felt so treasured, and I've never felt that way again. I did, however, feel cheapened by it when I found out how much of a womanizer he was."

TO SURVIVE a Pisces, you need to have your wits about you. They easily can stray into their world of fairies and mystical "stuff' if you go on in unprepared. If your Pisces is your child, it obviously is different than your boss, so I will describe how best to handle a Pisces in various settings.

For many Pisces, just being born is a struggle. They are quite happy, up in heaven with the angels and the fluffy clouds, imagining beautiful colors and dreaming of white horses. After a few years, they get the idea that they are going to be on the planet for a while, but the craving to stay in contact still will be there. Allow your Pisces child plenty of "dream time"--time alone with a favorite toy or book (not hours of TV; this rots little brains). Pisces children can like drawing, painting, and sewing. Arts and crafts will keep them happy for hours.

If your Pisces is very watery, be gentle: treat him or her like a tender flower bud. Keep that individual watered, fed, and cuddled. Watery Pisces love--and must have--tactile contact.

An Airy Pisces needs conversation--answers and reasons for things. If daddy goes away and never comes back, explain why. I believe in telling children the truth, as nicely as possible. If mommy and daddy get a divorce, or grandpa has died, tell them--but gently.

Earthy Pisces, meanwhile, need structure, time limits, and places for things. They are more "things" orientated, especially with Taurus in the picture--"my book," "my doggie," "my blanket." This individual needs to know what is his or her's. They need to know about mealtimes and bedtimes. The quickest way to stress an Earthy Pisces is to have an air sign parent that dashes around doing millions of things, meeting people and "It's lunchtime" and no food is prepared. Make mealtimes safe and your Earth Pisces will love you forever.

A Fire Pisces desires activity and some excitement, but not too much, because a Pisces always needs time to rest and recuperate. They enjoy the buildup to things. Knowing that they are going on a trip will keep a Fire Pisces happy for weeks. They need exercise (we all do, but Fire Pisces the most) and some competition. Little Fire Pisces do well with martial arts like tai chi and taekwondo, as well as sports that involve lots of energy and stamina. They like being with people, the more the merrier--and generally, of all the Pisces, have the most friends.

I never have had a Pisces boss, but I know people who have. It depends on what sort...

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