Supreme court rebukes Bush inaction on global warming.

PositionGeorge W. Bush - Brief article

A RECENT ARTICLE IN The Onion, AMERICA'S ONLINE source for news satire, depicted a powerful march in Washington, D.C. against global warming--led by a population of snowmen. Thankfully, it won't come to this to get our nation's leaders to wake up to the threat of global warming. A historic legal victory at the Supreme Court has helped lay the groundwork for action by the federal government and in Congress to combat climate change.

On Apr. 2, the Supreme Court finally ended the debate over whether the federal government can regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks. In addition to the Bush administration's excessive delay in acknowledging global warming, the Environmental Protection Agency long refused to set limitations on global warming pollution from automobiles. Citing provisions in the Clean Air Act, the justices ruled 5 to 4 that carbon dioxide is considered a pollutant...

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