Sun protection is a year-round concern.

When the summer is over, that does not mean people should let their guard clown insofar as the harmful effects of the sun. The American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR), Kissimmee, Fla., reminds snowbirds, winter sports enthusiasts, and residents of the Sunbelt to be mindful of potential sun damage year-round.

"Even in the fall and winter, our skin, particularly that on our face and hands, is exposed to the sun almost daily," cautions AANR president Leonite Moore. "The best way to keep skin healthy and damagefree is to keep it protected at all times." According to the association's Sunbathing Index, which monitors the year-round sunbathing habits of its members, 92% take precautions against the harmful effects of the sun and more than one-third expect to spend $50 or more a...

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