

Chapter Details

§3.1 Introduction
§3.2 Requisites of a Valid Dedication
(1) Essential Elements
(2) Presumptions and Burdens
§3.3 Offer to Dedicate-Statutory Dedication
(1) Subdivisions and Short Subdivisions
(2) Cities and Towns-Recording of Plats
(3) County Land in Cities and Towns
(4) Natural Areas
(5) State Tidelands and Shorelands
(6) Defective Plats
(7) Rules of Construction-Plats
§3.4 Offer to Dedicate-Common-Law Dedication
(1) Express Dedications
(2) Implied Dedications
§3.5 Prescriptive Easements and Implied Common-Law Dedications Distinguished
§3.6 Acceptance of Dedication
(1) Express Acceptance
(2) Implication of Acceptance from Acts
(3) Implication of Acceptance from Use
§3.7 Characteristics of the Dedicator
(1) Possessory Interest in the Property
(2) Easement Interests
(3) Interests of Mortgagor and Mortgagee
§3.8 Characteristics of the Dedicatee
§3.9 Estate Acquired
(1) Common-Law Dedication
(2) Statutory Dedication
§3.10 Rights Acquired by the Public

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