Jurisdiction | Washington |
Chapter Details
A. State Materials
1. Rules
RPC 1.6 (authorized disclosure)
RPC 1.8(b) (use of client's information)
RPC 1.9(c) (use of former client's information)
RPC 1.13(c) (disclosure to protect entity clients)
RPC 1.14(c) (duties to clients with diminished capacity)
RPC 1.18 (duties to prospective client)
RPC 3.3 (duty of candor in judicial proceedings)
ELC 3.4 (discretion of WSBA to release confidential information)
ELC 5.4(b) (disclosure of confidential information during disciplinary proceedings)
2. Statutes
RCW 5.60.060(2)(a) (attorney-client privilege)
B. Federal Materials
1. Statutes
15 U.S.C. §7245 (Sarbanes-Oxley Act)
2. Regulations
17 C.F.R. §205.3 (permitting disclosure of confidences by securities lawyers in certain contexts)
C. Key Differences Between Washington RPC and ABA MRPC
1. Language added to ABA MRPC
RPC 1.6(b)(1)-(7)
RPC 1.18(b), (c), (e) (new)
RPC 3.3(a)-(f) (most of MRPC 3.3 has been rewritten)
2. Revisions to ABA Comments
RPC 1.6 cmts. [1], [6], [13], [15]
RPC 1.8 cmt. [5]
RPC 1.18 cmt. [2]
RPC 3.3 cmts. [1], [3], [7], [12], [15]
3. Reserved/Not Adopted ABA Comments
RPC 1.6 cmts. [7], [8], [12]
RPC 1.18 cmt. [5]
RPC 3.3 cmts. [5], [9], [10]
4. Additional Washington Comments
RPC 1.6 Wash. cmts. [19]-[26], but reserving [21], [22]
RPC 1.18 Wash. cmts. [10]-[13]
I. | Introduction to the Duty of Confidentiality
II. | Scope of the Ethical Duty of Confidentiality
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