Successful transitions often involve keeping founders involved, study shows

Published date01 May 2018
Date01 May 2018
6© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company All rights reserved
DOI: 10.1002/nba
Industry News
Successful transitions often involve keeping
founders involved, study shows
Many nonprots struggle with succession plan-
ning, especially when it’s the organization’s founder
that is moving on and being replaced with another
leader� But while conventional wisdom has held that
a “clean break” is often best in these cases—allowing
the new executive to operate without the stress of the
founder looking over his or her shoulders—that may
not be the case after all�
In “Making Founder Successions Work,” pub-
lished recently in the Stanford Social Innovation
Review, researchers from the Bridgespan Group
reveal some interesting conclusions from an in-depth
study of nonprot founder transitions� Among the
key ndings:
More nonprot boards work out a continuing
role for founders (45 percent) than pursue an amicable
clean break (31 percent)�
Transitions that paired a founder and successor
from inside the organization proved to be the most
successful of all transition models�
Involuntary breaks (24 percent), where founders
are ousted by the board, tend to be the least success-
“Bridgespan’s research indicates that an extended
founder role, when done right, can be the best path
to maintain funder, board and staff loyalty, while
allowing the new leader to benet from the founder’s
capabilities and knowledge,” said Jari Tuomala,
coauthor of the study, along with Donald Yeh and
Katie Smith Milway�
“Everyone wins, including the organizations and,
AFP launches gender inequality initiative
The Association of Fundraising Professionals
has launched a new campaign aimed at increasing
gender equality in the profession� The AFP’s Wom-
en’s Impact Initiative will address issues of gender
inequity in the fundraising profession and charitable
sector more broadly, including sexual harassment,
salary inequality and the lack of women in senior
leadership roles, the group said�
The two-year campaign will assess, address and
highlight the specic issues and challenges women in
the fundraising profession face, the AFP said� The
initiative’s objectives will be focused on research,
education, awareness, and guidance and support�
It will culminate with a Women’s Impact Summit
in 2019�
“Women make up approximately 70 percent of
the fundraising profession, but account for only
about 30 percent of fundraising leadership roles
throughout the charitable sector,” said Ann Hale,
chairperson of the AFP, in a statement announc-
ing the initiative� “AFP’s own Compensation and
Benets Report has shown that female salaries are
consistently $20,000 less than salaries for our male
counterparts� The issue of inequity—along with re-
lated issues such as implicit bias and harassment—is
critical if we are to have a diverse, fair, vibrant and
growing fundraising profession�”
The rst major component of the initiative will
be the release of a comprehensive survey about
sexual harassment in the profession, which included
over 1,000 fundraisers across the United States and
Canada� Set for release in early April and to be
highlighted at the AFP’s International Fundrais-
ing Conference later that month, the survey data
will be used to develop anti–sexual harassment
resources for the profession and made available to
AFP members and nonmembers�
The initiative will also include educational mate-
rials and resources, research and calls to action to
engage the profession featured on the WII website
The initiative is the rst campaign under the
AFP’s new IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and
Access) Impact Program, which aims to remove
the leadership gap in the fundraising profession by
engaging, training and supporting different diverse
communities as they move into the profession� The
program and its initiatives will work to create a
fundraising profession that is not only diverse, but
inclusive and equitable, the AFP said�
For more information, visit http://www�afpnet�
(See TRANSITIONS on page 8)

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