Success Stories

AuthorLorelei Laird, Lee Rawles and Amanda Robert
Baptist but rega rdless of what she believed,
she was going to f ulfi ll her d uties and do
what the law requ ired,” Martinez said. “Sh e
followed the law with respect, fairness and
equalit y.”
Martinez’s niece and her wife have n ow fos-
tered 20 children an d are on track to a dopt
their third child this spring. Martinez urged
the House to help create more such stor ies
by voting for the resolution. Overwhelmingly,
it did.
• Two resolutions proposed by the Young
Lawyers Divis ion were approved to ma ke
the legal profession more family-friendly.
Resolution 101A called for lactation areas
to be established in courthouses, and
Resolution 101B urged courts to grant
continuances for attorneys who are taking
parental leave, as long as reasonable condi-
tions are met.
• Resolution 104 encourages courts to
take a consistent a pproach to the “ fair use”
doctrine. It asks that repackaging and distri-
bution of a copyr ighted work not be deemed
a “transfor mative” act in favor o f fair use,
regardless of whether the copyrighted mate-
rial is delivered more effi cie ntly or in a mar-
ket the owner has n ot yet entered.
• Two gun-related resolutions were passed.
Resolution 106A opposes laws authorizing
teachers and oth er nonsecurity school em-
ployees to carr y guns at pre- K through grade
12 schools. It also opposes the use of public
funds to arm and train them. Resol ution 106B
and its report aim to reduce suic ides by let-
ting people volu ntarily opt in to a list of peo-
ple to whom guns should not be so ld. People
would be able to t ake themselves off the list,
but there would be a waiting perio d.
• Resolution 107A support s requiring a
The ABA House of De legates had much
on its agenda a t the 2019 ABA Mid year
Meeting in Las Vegas.
The policymaking body of the association
passed a slate of criminal justice resolutions,
including ones on clarifying expungement
procedures, tightening child abuse laws and
ensuring female prisoners have a ccess to
toilet paper and feminine hygiene products.
Two late-breaking resolutions and their
reports condemned the federal government
shutdown that end ed in January and opposed
disaster-relief funds allocated by Congress
being redirected to fund other items like a
border wall. Delegates also voted to con-
demn the federal government’s “zero toler-
ance” policy for people caught crossing the
border illegally and to urge that the federal
judiciary ta ke measures to ensure
that illegal-entry defendants are
represented by counsel.
Some delegates were moved
to stand and sp eak in favor of
resolutions, as ABA President-
elect Judy Perr y Martinez d id for
Resolution 113, which opposed
laws that discriminate against
LGBT people exercising th eir
right to parent. Martinez told the
House about the experience of
her niece and her niece’s wife. In
the process of be coming foster
parents, the co uple had a home
visit from a woman who was plain
about her personal beliefs.
“She advis ed them that she was
Your ABA
Success Stories
House OKs resolutions
on criminal justice, LGBT
rights, immigration issues
By Lorelei Laird, Lee Rawles
and Amanda Robert
ABA President-elect
Judy Perry Mart inez
Patricia Lee Refo addresses the ABA
House of Delegates after the Nominat-
ing Committee selected her as presi-
dent-elect nominee. Refo is a partner
at Snell & Wilmer in Phoenix and has
served as chair of the House and the
Section of Litigation. Her nomination
virtually assures that she will be formally
selected by the House as president-
elect in August and begin serving her
one-year term as president after the
close of the 2020 ABA Annual Meet-
ing. “The strength of this extraordinary
association is the breadth of the work
that we do, and my goal is to continue
the work of those who have come be-
fore me,” Refo told the ABA Journal.
warrant based o n probable caus e for sei-
zures and forensic searches of elec tronic
devices carried by American citizens and
lawful permanent residents at border cross-
ings. It urges legislation to set this standard
for searches and seizures of devices and for
protection of attorney-client privilege.
• Resolution 107B asks legal employers
not to require man datory arbitra tion of
unlawful discrimination, harassment or
retaliation claims “based upon race, sex,
religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability,
age, sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, marital status, genetic infor-
mation or status as a victim of domestic or
sexual violence.” The resolution builds on
a measure approved a t the 2018 annu al
meeting that urg ed legal employer s not to
require mandatory arbitration of sexual
harassment claims.
• Resolution 112 seeks to eliminate incon-
sistent pet breed bans found across m ilitary
branches. It falls in line with past ABA sup-
port of national trends in breed-neutral dan-
gerous dog legislation that targets behavior
rather than appearance.
• Resolution 114 urg es Congress to ena ct
legislation affi rming that discrimination
based on sexual orientation or gender
identity is sex discrimination under the
Civil Rights Ac t, and that reli gious free-
dom laws don’t authorize otherwise illegal
• Resolution 116 urges nations to enact
international compacts on refugees and
immigration; discourage criminal prosecu-
tion of immigrants, refugees and asylum-
seekers; protect me mbers of those gro ups
from bias and dis crimination; an d address
the root causes o f displacement . It was the
rst House of Delegates resolution the ABA
Rule of Law Initi ative has ever sponso red. Q

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