Stu Harden: The Power of Raising Your Hand.

During a recent discussion about membership and enlisting new members to the CalCPA Accounting Principles & Assurance Services Committee, I thought about how my participation has enhanced my career--and how my experiences may encourage others to join.

My introduction to the state committee came in 1981. Being chair of the Fresno Chapter AP&AS Committee gave me a seat at the table of the corresponding state committee. Chuck Franklin, a mentor of mine and a long-time member of the committee, encouraged me to attend every meeting and accompanied me to most of them. His encouragement to raise your hand and follow through on tasks resulted in the honor of me being chosen as state committee chair in 1985.

And since then, opportunities have opened and friendships made that have had a lasting impact on my career.

In 19871 had the chance to meet with FASB and other AP&AS state committee chairs to discuss characteristics of comment letters that were most helpful to FASB. That meeting gave me ideas that would enhance our letters, and introduced me to people who would have a significant impact on my career. Shortly thereafter, more opportunities opened over the years that included serving on the Auditing Standards Board, the AICPA Accounting Standards Executive Committee and the AICPA Technical...

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