Strolling through tight spaces.

PositionWHAT'S NEW? Bringing Up Baby - City Series Stroller from The Baby Jogger Co. - Brief Article - Product/Service Evaluation

If you ask parents who always are on-the-go--especially those who live in metropolitan areas--what they are looking for in a stroller, they will cite two things: it must be easy to maneuver through tight spaces and collapse and fold instantly. The new City Series Stroller from The Baby Jogger Company, Richmond, Va., performs those tasks admirably.

The inventor of the original three-wheeled jogging stroller has come up with a multi-purpose unit which incorporates the features active parents have loved for the past 20 years. The front swivel wheel is great for moving through crowded and cramped environments, and it also can lock in place to go straight in open areas. In addition, the City Series employs a patented Quick Fold Technology enabling the user to fold the unit in half simply by lifting a strap.


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