Stress-free holiday shopping.

PositionYour Life - Brief Article

Here are 10 tips from Lennox, Inc., Lawrenceville, N.J., for taking the stress out of holiday shopping:

* Make a list of everyone who is to receive gifts and include ideas for the perfect presents--keep in mind personalities, hobbies, careers, etc. Have it with you throughout the season in case a shopping opportunity arises when you least expect it.

* Figure out a budget--and stick to it. Doing so eliminates the headache of juggling bills come January.

* Start shopping as early as possible. Set a schedule for gift buying so that the last present is crossed off by early to mid December.

* Delegate. Enlist the aid of your spouse or significant other, children, and various family members to help purchase gifts and assist with other holiday-related errands.

* Ask people on your gift list for suggestions to eliminate guesswork. Also, consult store associates, mutual friends, or family members for ideas--you may be overlooking the perfect gift solution.

* Shop during off-peak times, such as early morning, late at night, and weekdays...

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