Strengthening the Warrior Mind.

There are a number of exercises and concepts to help you strengthen your warrior mindset. First, make some quiet time to allow your mind to focus and visualize on the successful outcome of any scenarios you choose to envision. Imagine the scenarios and then the things that you wish to do or say or be as if they already have come to pass. You must write out your goals and specific actions that you need to take in order to achieve the outcomes you desire. Writing it down makes it real. Just 10 or 20 minutes a day visualizing outcomes can bring about massive results, not just in self-defense situations, but in everyday life.

The mind of the warrior should be clear and able to perceive surroundings without distraction. It must be relaxed, yet alert; determined, yet unconcerned. This is the goal of the warrior, and it must be your goal as well.

The mind of the warrior is different from regular "soldiers" or "fighters." A true warrior is free from all worldly attachments and easily can "let go." Warriors know that all possessions only are temporary. Of course, that does not make them unnecessary, but it does something liberating to the warrior. When we are attached to something, we have a fear of loss associated with it. This is not what the warrior wants. When fear is removed, the mind is able to think clearly through chaos. Fear distracts us, confuses us, and makes us hesitate when seconds count.

True warriors are compassionate and mindful of others at all times. They help others, and never seek to harm anyone. However, when the time comes to survive a potentially deadly confrontation, warriors must step up and deal with the threat until it is eliminated. Once the threat has been neutralized, you must be able to step away; excessive force that is applied after a threat is neutralized neither is honorable nor compassionate.

It is important to realize that a certain amount of focus and even meditation is necessary to learn how to calm...

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