Stop listening to the Obamas and Merkels.

PositionPolitical Correctness - Trisha Erickson's "Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters? The Mormon Church Versus the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America" - Brief article

"For many years now, France, Turkey, the U.S., and a number of other countries have kept their heads in the sand regarding the threats to every nation and people. After the killing of 3,000 Americans in the World Trade Towers, the ridiculous distraction of political correctness prevaled in place of logical sound judgment of what was, and still is, at hand. After Americans eyewitnessed these horrific 911 murders, why has it taken this long for us to face the truth on Islam, its teachings, the reason that Islamists want to kill us, and the motive of why this is happening?," asks Tricia Erickson, president of Angel Pictures & Publicity and author of Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters? The Mormon Church Versus the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America.

"For some time now, France has had 'no go zones' where the police cannot enter. Hence, the terrorists...

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