
AuthorAnderson, Tasha

In May of this year The Arc of Anchorage announced the project #StickFigureAK, part of The Arcs 2015 goal to celebrate Sparc: A Creative Place, the organization's art studio and gallery located at 425 D Street.

"At The Arc of Anchorage our vision is to recognize and embraced people of all abilities," says Naomi Hodawanus, visual communication specialist. She says that through Sparc and the #StickFigureAK project, "we're letting people know this is what The Arc of Anchorage does and were inviting them to participate in creating with us, celebrating the ability that we all possess to create."

This project is a contest. Alaska residents are invited to create up to three stick figures made out of anything--photos on #StickFigureAK's website include crab leg, fishing lure, and snow stick figures. Once the figure is created, a high-resolution photo must be taken and submitted to The Arc of Anchorage, either through AK.StickFigureCollective. com, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or via the email AK@StickFigureCollective.com.

The Arc of Anchorage is not selecting the winner; Alaskans can vote on their favorite stick figures by liking them in the submission gallery on the project's website.

The top one hundred figures...

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