Stepping up.

AuthorDennis, Tayiika M.

Tayiika M. Dennis, CPA and manager at NSBN LLP, is a graduate of CalCPA's Leadership Institute--a targeted program designed to shape the future leaders of CalCPA and the profession. The deadline for the 2009--10 Leadership Institute is fast approaching (Sept. 10; To help you decide if it is right for you. California CPA asked Dennis to share her experience.


To lead or not to lead? Why?

Leadership can represent natural career progression, a level of mastery of a profession and the feeling that you have "made it." Leadership also can subject you to public scrutiny and hold you to a higher standard. But I believe leadership is still the way to go.

What was the Leadership Institute like?

There were two key components: the instructor and my peers. The instructor, Bill Reeb, delivers excellent information, drawing upon years of experience training accounting firms. But never judge a book by its cover; once you get over Bill's Hawaiian shirts and "external wallet," you realize that what he knows is invaluable. I learned a lifetime's worth of lessons. The depth of peer interaction is something no cocktail hour or networking event can provide.

Apply any lessons at work?

Being a leader is not about making an environment adapt to you--you must adapt to it. Never be set in your communication style. Instead, read the situation and choose your response. Some may think this is not. being your true self, but it's about not letting your emotions rule your leadership style.

How has it influenced your leadership role with CalCPA?

I was honored to be asked to be a Los Angeles Chapter board member for 2009-11. This appointment was a direct result of the Leadership Institute. I also served on the planning committee for the CalCPA Education Foundation's 2009 Not-for-Profit Organizations Conference.

Would you recommend the Leadership Institute to others?

Yes. As CPAs, we dedicate 80 hours every two years to technical skills, so why not dedicate 40 hours to being a better leader and person? Plus, CalCPA and the Education Foundation cover the majority of the expense. This is the type of deal we accountants live for.

Is there a leader in the public eye you think should participate in the Leadership Institute?

There are many. First are the socialites who, unfortunately, are leaders to young girls. Then, any athlete experiencing...

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