States' voice in the nation's capital.

PositionFROM D.C.

NCSL works to enhance the role of states and state legislatures in the federal system. We guard against unfunded federal mandates. We fight to protect state authority from unwarranted federal preemption. And we urge Congress to follow the example of state legislators in reaching across the aisle to address many of the important issues that have stalled with congressional inaction.

NCSL's Executive Committee adopted the following priorities to guide NCSL's advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and before the administration in 2017.


    NCSL leads the effort to enact federal legislation to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Quill v. North Dakota that businesses don't have to collect sales taxes where they have no physical presence, like brick-and-mortar stores. If Congress fails to give states remote sales tax collection authority, NCSL will work with states to bring appropriate action to overturn the ruling.


    NCSL will work to ensure that federal cybersecurity legislation includes states as critical partners in addressing cybersecurity concerns. The diversity of state structures and the complexity of the risks involved, require states to find individualized solutions that address their unique threats. The federal government should consider state laws and executive rules before taking any action.


    NCSL will work to preserve in any federal tax reform: the fiscal viability and sovereignty of state governments; the ability of state and local government to adopt fair and effective tax systems; and, states' discretion to tax certain revenue sources. Tax reform should not be applied retroactively but should give states adequate transition time, at least three years, to implement.


    NCSL will work to preserve the state-federal partnership in funding and administering the Medicaid program; position state legislators to collaborate with Congress and federal agencies in making changes; and, ensure support for state innovation and flexibility through waivers. NCSL supports establishing an emergency funding mechanism within the Medicaid statute to assist states during times of economic downturns.


    NCSL adheres to the fundamental principles of federalism in all areas of criminal justice and believes that any reform must recognize that states and local governments have the predominant responsibility to ensure public safety and the administration of justice.

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