Staff Snapshots | Thomas W. Miller.

Thomas W. Miller

Hometown: Palmyra, Penn.

Role: Executive director, House Finance Committee, Pennsylvania General Assembly

Years of legislative service: Eight

Who inspires him: "My family and friends. I can always count on them to share their past experiences, provide words of wisdom and reiterate their constant support."

Why did you choose to work at the legislature?

It was by sheer luck. Like most of my colleagues, I completed my undergraduate studies in political science. And, with a focus on global studies and homeland security, my primary objective was to serve as a foreign policy adviser at an embassy or consulate. But, when I had an opportunity to intern with a former state representative from my hometown, I relished the ability to assist my neighbors at a more local level. Eight years and a few different roles later, I am honored to be one of only four people in our commonwealth who gets to work firsthand on legislative policy in the capacity that I do.

What skill or talent are you most proud of?

As a legislative policy analyst, I pride myself in the ability to listen and to think critically about fair and equitable solutions to the tax- and fiscal policy-related concerns shared by our constituents. We constantly work on an array of legislative initiatives, some of which span multiple legislative sessions, but it's the comments and feedback that we receive on a near daily basis from our constituents that are essential to understanding the everchanging environment. Ultimately, those help us to move meaningful tax and fiscal policy changes forward.

What's the best advice you were ever given?

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."--Walt Disney

What's one thing you love about your state?


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