Spruce Up the House for Holiday Guests.

Whether you love to cozy up by the fire with family or enjoy having your house bustling with festive gatherings, the home is a special place during the holidays. As you deck the halls, it also is a good time to add a few extra projects to your to-do list to ensure your home is ready for guests, suggests Judd Lamed, president of Culligan Water. "The holidays are a great time to take a look around your house and see what could use a little refresh before hosting or spending time with loved ones."

Here are some ways to create a warm, welcoming, and well-kept home:

* 'Tis the season to repair, repaint, refresh. "A pristine paint job is the perfect backdrop for holiday entertaining. Throughout the year, the walls of your home take a lot of abuse, from kids banging their toys into the corners and chairs hitting the walls, to the nail holes and cracks that appear over time. To restore your walls to their former glory, fill in those dents, holes, and cracks with spackle before you repaint--and then decorate for a fresh, updated look."

* Declutter. "Donate, sell, or toss out items that you haven't used recently to make room for new decorations or gifts. Decluttering makes cleaning and organizing...

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