Spring has sprung so get out your goat.

PositionBasting Tongs & Sauce Pot Set - WHAT'S NEW? - Brief article

Yes, we understand ... the time to talk outdoor grilling is during the warmth of summer--ell that to all those feasting tailgaters who cook up a storm prior to attending NFL playoff games at night!--but we've always enjoyed cool-weather cooking. After all, who wants to sweat over a red-hot grill in 90[degrees] heat while battling mosquitoes, gnats, ants, and yellowjackets when you can keep warm and eat like a king in the spring!

We found some handy items to further our cause when perusing a catalogue from Grilly Goat, a division of Sackso Enterprises, LLC, Lakewood, Ohio. Its Basting Tongs & Sauce Pot Set are just what the (hungry) doctor ordered. There's no more balancing tongs, brushes, and sauces. The griller-friendly Basting Tongs let you stop spillin' and start grillin', as these deluxe 16" stainless steel locking tongs have soft, no-slip grip pads for optimum comfort. The angled, off set brush keeps your hands away from dangerous flareups while the...

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