Specializing by Generalizing.

AuthorWhite, Rindi

In the crowded field of equipment suppliers, how does one stand out? For Yukon Equipment, flexibility is the company's specialty. Whether leasing a loader in Kotzebue or servicing a broken backhoe in Bethel, for seventy-five years, the company has been evolving to meet the needs of its Alaska clients.

"We're not the biggest equipment dealer in the state, but we are the most flexible," says Charlie Klever, president of Yukon Equipment. The company, owned by Calista Corporation since 2010, operates three locations: its headquarters in Anchorage and branches in Wasilla and Fairbanks.

"As such we can change our business plan and adjust to the market much more quickly and, we think, more efficiently," he says.

"The last few years we have really put an emphasis on our village and remote sales, partially because one of our mission statements is to supply support and benefit to the region--the Calista region, the Bethel area," he says. "We sell equipment to villages and remote sites all over the state. We've gotten quite...

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