Sounds of Silence

AuthorPhilip N. Meyer
Sounds of Silence
From a 1960s federal prosecutor to a former president, what lawyers
can learn about the power of the pause By Philip N. Meyer
In his book Cruel an d Unusual: The Supreme Court
and Capital Punishm ent, Michael Meltsner writes about
a young Anthony Amsterd am. A federal prosecutor in the
District of Columbia i n the early 1960s, Amsterda m was
arguing a Fourt h Amendment case before the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Distr ict of Columbia Circuit.
The legal issue was whet her the police had waited long
enough after knock ing before entering an apartment to
execute a search—spec i cally whe ther a delay of about
25 seconds was su cient time to allow for the occ upants
to answer the door before brea king it down.
Amsterda m began his argument with t he formulaic:
“May it please the court ... .” Then he stopped. He rema ined
respectf ully silent. According to Meltsner, during the silence ,
“the few seconds seemed a n eternity.” The judges became
uncomfortable and were ab out to break in themselves when
Amsterda m fi nally commenc ed his argument: “That was
the length of time that t he police waited before they broke
into the defendant’s apart ment.” The silence worked, and
Amsterda m won the appeal.
More recently, in 2015 President Barack Obama eu logized
the Rev. Clementa Pinckney and eight par ishioners who
were assassinat ed by Dylann Roof at the Emanuel Af rican
Methodist Episcopal C hurch in Charleston, South Caroli na.
Roof later told police he was at tempting to foment racial
hatred and star t a race war.
Obama delivered his spe ech to a church audience of
grieving pa rishioners and to a vast, live nat ional media
audience. The stakes cou ldn’t have been higher; it was a
historic speech a t a dangerous cultural moment and
attempted to mark t he occasion as an in ection point
of cultural tra nsformation.
Obama’s speech was a church eulog y ennobling the lives
of the fallen. But it was equa lly a political argument ack nowl-
edging our dark lega cy of slavery as our country’s orig inal
sin, identifyi ng slavery as the reason for the Civi l War and
recognizi ng the legacies of slavery and racism that r emain
in our society to t his day. This included the pain infl icted
by the continuing celebration of the Confe derate fl ag.
He also addressed s ociety’s need for gun control and the
need to address s ystemic injustice within the cr iminal jus-
tice system bas ed on racial and economic bias.
How did Obama connect al l these remarkably diverse sub-
jects? He employed a poetic lyrici sm that built purposefully
toward a crucia l, eloquent and refl ect ive silence. For models,
Obama drew on the church ser mons of Martin Luther
King Jr. and the battlefi eld Civil War speeches of Abra ham
Lincoln. Like K ing, Obama broke his speech into sta nzalike
sections and ca ll-and-response musicality. Like K ing and
Lincoln, Obama use d strategic pauses and silence to ma rk
crucial tra nsition points in his performance.
The core theme of Obama’s eulogy was g race—our need to
receive grace a nd honor it in our lives and our actions, as it
was received and honored t hrough the lives and the deaths
of Pinckney and the par ishioners. Obama put it this way:
“We don’t earn grace. We’re all sinners. We don’t deserve it.
But God gives it to us a nyway.” He personally reworked h is
speechwriter s’ initial drafts on hi s long, yellow legal pads,
drawing a recur ring inspirational refra in from the lyrics of
his favorite hymn, “Ama zing Grace.”
Obama’s speech concluded with a dra matic and refl ec tive
13-second silence, tr ansitioning into his heartfelt ye t slightly
o -ke y singing of the fi rst s tanza of “Amazing Grace.” He
then delivered a powerfu l crescendo—calling out the names
of the dead, accompan ied by PowerPoint images of the
The precise timing and u se of prolonged “live” silences
were crucial to t he successes of Amsterdam’s and Obama’s
presentations and cruc ial to the impact of the argument s
they were making.
For Amsterdam, t he silence enabled the judges to grasp
viscerall y the length of time the police waited uncom fortably
on one side of the apartment door while not know ing what
might be waiting for them on the other, in a way his w ords
alone could not.
For Obama, the use of pauses a nd silence was more com-
plex. The pauses provided musica l beats in stanzali ke sec-
tions. In the vocabula ry of narrative theory, the shorter
silences were like ellipse s (spaces in time) building to the
nal silence that allowed the audience to re fl ect on his words
and sink into share d emotion.
The fi nal silence provided a hando , or transition forward,
to Obama’s rendition of “Amazing Grace,” and then quic kly
sequenced to call ing out the names of the dead, providing
an emotional ending on a Ki ng-like evocation of religious
community and redemption.

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