Sound waves help break up fat.

A new method to remove fat in areas that previously were not amenable to liposuction is being utilized by plastic surgeons at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses high-frequency sound waves emitted by a hollow wand called a cannula to liquefy fat cells, which simultaneously are suctioned out through the cannula.

"We expect ultrasound liposuction to become the preferred method for performing liposuction in certain parts of the body where good results are difficult to obtain with traditional liposuction," notes Rod J. Rohrich, chairman, Department of Plastic Surgery. "These problem areas include the back, flanks, and large breasts in males affected by a condition known as gynecomastia." It may be used to resculpt areas in which previous liposuction left undesirable results.

During ultrasound liposuction, a fluid containing local anesthetic is injected into the fatty area between the skin and muscle, and the ultrasound wand is guided carefully through fatty deposits. The...

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