Sound the alarm on summer burglars.

PositionYour Life - Brief Article

Summer months are a prime time to consider the potential returns of a modest investment in home protection, according to Intermatic Inc., Spring Grove, Ill. It's no surprise that burglars have more opportunities to strike during summer when people spend more time outdoors and away from home, but what many homeowners fail to realize is how easily and inexpensively they can discourage would-be burglars.

"Do-it-yourself products are effective and inexpensive," says Intermatic spokesman Art Noparstak. "A quality home protection system can be implemented for as little as $50, and can save you thousands."

Homeowners can survey their own home to determine the security level inside and out. Intruders will be looking for spots hidden from view to break into a home. Illuminate these areas with photo...

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