Sound science?

AuthorSnell, Lisa
PositionNational Institute for the Environment - Trends

The National Institute for the Environment's alarmist agenda

"SUCH PHENOMENA AS GLOBAL climate change, depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, mass extinction of plant and animal species, pollution of oceans and freshwater, proliferation of toxic substances, and unprecedented growth of population, present new and critical challenges to policy makers," testified Richard Benedick, chief U.S. negotiator for the Montreal Protocol on ozone depletion, before a House committee in May. He was speaking in favor of establishing a National Institute for the Environment.

Over the past couple of decades environmental activists have used findings from supposedly neutral government agencies to impose draconian regulations in response to those alleged crises. Now supporters of a new "independent" government agency are dragging up the same old bogeymen to justify the NIE, which will supposedly fund sound peer-reviewed environmental research.

The campaign to establish the NIE got a boost in June, when the U.S. Conference of Mayors endorsed the idea. The mayors believe that the new organization would allow local governments to have more influence over environmental policies.

But the mayors' group may be trading short-term political influence for more long-term regulation. Environmental groups supporting the NIE are largely...

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