Something fishy.

AuthorOlson, Eric R.
PositionLETTERS - Letter to the editor

The article written by Alison Fairbrother ("A Fish Story," May/ June) is by far the best read I have seen recently. I am a commercial striped bass fisherman in Massachusetts. The content of the article hits close to home. Herring and menhaden are undoubtedly overfished. We need people to be aware of the fact that our oceans' ecosystems are being compromised. Thank you for running the article and please continue to help raise awareness.

Eric R. Olson

Chatham, Mass.

Wonderful article. I tell my bait shop friends that this is their fight. When bunker are present, bass and blue fishing improves; when fishing improves, more people go fishing; when more people go fishing, bait shops sell more bait and tackle.


Jerry Jarombek

Riverside, Conn.

It seems like this is a case of "follow the money." Lobbying and political contributions focused on Virginia and New Jersey outweigh the...

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