Socio‐Economic and political empowerment through self help groups intervention: A study from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India

Published date01 February 2021
AuthorShipra Gupta,Hitendra Singh Rathore
Date01 February 2021
Socio-Economic and political empowerment through self help
groups intervention: A study from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India
Shipra Gupta | Hitendra Singh Rathore
Department of Sociology, Banasthali
Vidyapith, Vanasthali, India
Shipra Gupta, Department of
Sociology, Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali,
Rajasthan 304022, India.
The paper presents a study on the socio-economic, and political empowerment of
rural women, through the Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Bilaspur Division, Chhattisgarh,
India. The various factors involved as empowerment indicators were individually dis-
cussed based on the data collected from the women SHG members (by random sam-
pling). The detailed data analysis of individual factors and their impact on aforesaid
empowerment have been discussed. Its level of significance has been evaluated using
Chi-Square Test and P-value using statistical data analysis software tool SPSS. Subse-
quently, the degree of empowerment and the ranking of the factors, its contribution
to all three dimensions of empowerment have been evaluated using the Garret Rank-
ing Method. It is found from the study that, there is significant empowerment in all
three dimensions. It is also estimated from the Garret Ranking Method, that women
after associating with SHG were found economically empowered most significantly,
then the socially and politically. The work will be useful for the policymakers to frame
the policy and enhance the degree of women empowerment for the selected area of
the study as well as other rural areas.
Ideally, Men and Women contribute equally toward the development
of the society and the nation, but the gender dissimilarities are still a
major concern and challenge for society. The judgment against
women in the form of malefemale differentiation forms the crux of
the gender-biased system (Narang, 2012). Hence, women are, more
poor and restricted than men and, they are subjected to lots of socio-
economic and social constraints. The situation is harsher in the rural
and backward areas of the country, which consciously need to be
empowered. Empowerment is the ability to eliminate full power over
ones actions. Thus, women empowerment occurs in reality when
women attain increased power and sharing in decision making; which
results in improved access to resources. Self Help Groups (SHGs) are
one of the important tools for the empowerment of women, espe-
cially for developing nations like India. In the present research work,
the study on the empowerment of women through SHGs has been
carried out in two blocks of Bilaspur division, which is located in the
central region of Chhattisgarh, in India. The focus of the study is on
the social, economic, and political empowerment of the women after
the association with SHG. The analysis of primary data collected from
the field has been done using statistical techniques such as frequency
analysis, Chi-Square test, Garret Ranking Method with the help of sta-
tistical software tool SPSS.
Many studies have been carried out on women empowerment
through the SHG and established that SHGs are playing an important
role in the empowerment of women from rural as well as semi-urban
and urban areas. Venkatesh and Kala (2010), presented a study from
southern districts of Tamil Nadu, India and found that after joining
SHG the income of the women and the monthly household outflow
has been elevated significantly. It was reported that regular and timely
repayment of loans makes the activities of SHGs successful. More-
over, the SHGs in South Tamil Nadu were very successful to lead
women empowerment in rural areas. The study discussed the empow-
erment of women in the respective area of study, however, the
degree of empowerment was not evaluated. Later, Ghosh and
Received: 7 January 2020 Revised: 18 February 2020 Accepted: 8 March 2020
DOI: 10.1002/pa.2143
J Public Affairs. 2021;21:e2143. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 1of11

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