Smoking cessation is not impossible.

PositionYour Life - Phone counseling - Brief Article

Every year, the top three New Year's resolutions are to stop smoking, lose weight, and handle finances better. A few months later, however, all usually is forgotten. Yet, for smokers who are serious about quitting, the key to success is adequate preparation, insist University of Iowa, Iowa City, smoking cessation experts.

A wide range of resources, including toll-free quitlines and informational websites are available. "These ... equip smokers who want to quit with the tools and information they need to be successful," declares John Lowe, professor and head of community and behavioral health at the College of Public Health. "Research shows that a person who receives phone counseling during the quitting process is twice as likely to stay smoke-free as someone who tries to quit on their own."

In the initial call to a quitline, a counselor helps determine...

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