Simple precautions go a long way.


There is plenty of summer left--almost two months--which means families still will be spending a lot of time outdoors, so it is Important to take proper precautions to avoid mosquito bites. Researchers at the SC Johnson Institute of Insect Science for Family Health, Racine, Wash., offer the following tips:

Remove standing water. Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so removing it from your property can reduce their numbers. Rain gutters, buckets, bird baths, or fountains with stagnant water all are possible breeding sites.

Plan activities around peak mosquito hours. Although mosquitoes can bite any time of the day, they are most active at dawn and dusk. If possible, schedule your outdoor activities to avoid these times. Make sure you have repellent on hand.

Apply a pest pre-treatment to your yard. Always read product directions prior to application.

Apply personal repellent. These come in many forms, including lotions, aerosol sprays, and wipes, and can contain active ingredients such as DEET or Picaridin. It should be used on exposed skin and clothing. Some repellents...

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