Siding against Shuman.

PositionLetters to the Editor

Thank you for publishing Michael Shuman. I am so hungry for honest dialogue. And here is my polite reply: Shuman's whole argument derives from the statement that "the Taliban refuses to surrender those responsible."

I haven't yet seen the evidence pointing to those responsible. Furthermore, if bin Laden is among those responsible, the Taliban had, in fact, offered several times to surrender him to a neutral authority. These facts disrupt the entire flow of Shuman's argument.

I would also like to suggest that the "bad guy/good guy" dichotomy is just too simplistic. If we can't agree on policies, please let us agree not to oversimplify. Shuman seems to suggest that there are only two options: a U.S. military response or no U.S. military response. There is a universe of other options, utilizing the United Nations and the World Court among them. Please let's not write each other off, but keep digging into the deep morass of information that leads us to our conclusions.

Sue Aldine Williamsburg, Virginia Michael Shuman recites a familiar logical formula in support of the war. Shuman acknowledges the U.S. foreign...

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