SIC: couture with a conscience.

PositionWHAT'S NEW? - Smart Is Cool - Brief article

SIC (Smart Is Cool), Brooklyn N.Y., is a fashion company committed to celebrating women's intelligence. SIC's mission is to redefine smart by affecting the most visible part of everyone's personality--their wardrobe. The company's motto is, 'q-he most fashionable thing you wear is your intelligence" (Makes sense, after all, most of the women in our life are smarter--and certainly dress better--than us.)


SIC is run by entrepreneurs Erin Darby (a self-taught designer from Brooklyn) and Ana Maria Henao (a London College of Fashion attendee who has traveled the world in search of just the right fabrics). They showcase a collection that is inspired by the simple beauty of words. By hand silk-screening obscure words, their definitions, and unique graphics onto...

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