Should I report what I believe to be animal cruelty?

AuthorCohen, Randy
PositionTHE ETHICIST - Brief article

The woman who parks next to me in our office's underground garage leaves her dog in her car, windows slightly open, all day, every workday. I've told the building's management, but they don't seem to care. Should I call the A.S.P.C.A.?

Doug Hirsch, Los Angeles

FIRST, APPROACH THE DOG OWNER in a friendly way. Mention that you share her affection for dogs and wonder why she brings hers to the garage each day. Ask if she's able to stop by from time to time to walk it and bring it fresh water.

This conversation may not be reassuring, but it will give you more to go on should you then call the A.S.RC.A. (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) or animal-control officers. But sadly, that call may not yield the results you wish either. Leaving a dog in a car isn't a crime in many places, and even if authorities do take the animal away, the fate of a shelter dog can be grim.

That said, if after speaking to this woman you believe her dog is suffering, make the...

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