Send Franken back to Minnesota.

PositionLetter to the editor

Ruth Conniff quotes Jeff Blodgett as saying that the focus of the Minnesota race has to be on Norm Coleman's record and not on Al Franken's ("Al Franken Gets Serious," April issue). How true. And how impossible.

I was thrilled when Air America was launched and, as a Franken fan, I ran to get my satellite radio. I was very disappointed.

I went from being a fan to being someone who is almost willing to send Coleman a contribution if it would keep Franken from showing up on the floor of the Senate to make a joke about global warming.

I practically live in my car, and I've heard hundreds of hours of Franken. Franken would ask interesting questions to his guests, only to interrupt them with a cheap attempt at humor followed by that honking, braying, horselaugh. And try though I might, I could never hear the guests' answers.

I soon learned that Franken's show...

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