Semicoherent Multipopulation Mortality Modeling: The Impact on Longevity Risk Securitization

AuthorWai‐Sum Chan,Rui Zhou,Johnny Siu‐Hang Li
Date01 September 2017
Published date01 September 2017
©2015 The Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol.84, No. 3, 1025–1065 (2017).
DOI: 10.1111/jori.12135
Semicoherent Multipopulation
Mortality Modeling: The Impact on
Longevity Risk Securitization
Johnny Siu-Hang Li
Wai-Sum Chan
Rui Zhou
Multipopulation mortality models play an important role in longevity risk
transfers involving more than one population. Most of the existing multi-
population mortality models are built on the hypothesis of coherence, which
assumes that there always exists a force that brings the mortality differential
between any two populations back to a constant long-term equilibrium level.
This hypothesis prevents diverging long-term forecasts, which do not seem
to be biologically reasonable. However, the coherence assumption may be
perceived by market participants as too strong and is in fact not always
supported by empirical observations. In this article, we introduce a new
concept called “semicoherence,” which is less stringent in the sense that it
permits the mortality trajectories of two related populations to diverge, as
long as the divergence does not exceed a specific tolerance corridor, beyond
which mean reversion will come into effect. We further propose to produce
semicoherent mortality forecasts by using a vector threshold autoregression.
The proposed modeling approach is illustrated with mortality data fromU.S.
and English and Welsh male populations, and is applied to several pricing
and hedging scenarios.
Longevity risk has become a high-profile risk in recent years, due partly to the changes
in insurance regulations after the global financial crisis. For instance, Solvency II,
which is presently scheduled to be implemented in January 2016, requires insurers
operating in the European Union to hold longevity risk solvency capital to cush-
ion against the adverse financial consequences arising from unexpected changes in
mortality rates. Another reason is the deep interest rate cuts followed by quantita-
tive easing. At the current low interest rates, life-contingent cash flows payable in
Johnny Siu-Hang Li is at the University of Waterloo, Department of Statistics and Actuarial
Science, Waterloo,Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1. Li can be contacted via e-mail:
Wai-Sum Chan is at the The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Finance, Hong
Kong. Rui Zhou is at the University of Manitoba Warren Centre for Actuarial Studies and
Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
1026 The Journal of Risk and Insurance
the distant future, which are subject to the greatest amount of longevity risk, are not
discounted that heavily.
Securitization is increasingly seen as a solution to the problem of longevity risk.
Through securitization, a financial institution can transfer its longevity risk expo-
sure to one or more counterparties who are interested in accepting the risk expo-
sure for a premium. The potential of the longevity risk transfer market is huge. It
is estimated that in the United Kingdom alone, there are approximately $1 trillion
of defined-benefit pension scheme liabilities managed by corporate pension schemes
and around $200 billion of insured annuity-in-payment liabilities managed by life
insurance companies (Bugg et al., 2010). The market has recently seen several large
transactions, exemplified by the $3 billion longevity swap that Rolls Royce transacted
with Deutsche Bank in 2011 to cover the longevity risk of the 37,000 pensioners in its
pension plan (Coughlan et al., 2013).
However,relative to its potential size, the longevity risk transfer market has developed
rather slowly (Coughlan et al., 2013). The market has to overcome many challenges
before it can become liquid, with substantial volumes on both the supply and demand
sides. As Cairns (2013a) pointed out, the key challenge on the modeling front is to
develop multipopulation stochastic mortality models, which are crucially important
for the following reasons.
Natural buyers of longevity risk are limited only to life (re)insurance companies with
a concentration on policies paying death benefits and perhaps companies in the health
care, long-term care, and pharmaceutical industries that would benefit fromincreased
longevity. To further expand in size, the longevity risk transfer market has to reach
out to other potential investors, such as hedge funds and asset managers, who may
be attracted to this new asset class due to its low correlation with other market risk
factors (Ribeiro and di Pietro, 2009). These investors prefer standardized index-based
securities to customized deals, because the former are more transparent and liquid.
By contrast, hedgers may prefer customized hedging solutions, due to their concerns
about the population basis risk that arises from the difference in mortality experi-
ence between the populations associated with their portfolios and the populations to
which the standardized hedging instruments are linked. Multipopulation stochastic
mortality models permit hedgers to better measure the potential population basis risk,
giving them more confidence in hedging with standardized securities.
The European Union’s rules on gender-neutralpricing have recently become effective.
The rules require insurers in Europe to chargethe same prices to women and men for
the same insurance products without distinction on the grounds of sex. Life insurers
in Europe therefore have a pressing need for multipopulation stochastic mortality
models, which they can use to simultaneously forecast the mortality of both genders.
Multipopulation models can also assist them with the calculation of solvency risk
capital and the amount of risk exposurethat should be transferred through reinsurance
or capital markets.
In the market, there exist mortality-linked securities that areassociated with more than
one population. For instance, in 2010, Swiss Re issued a series of 8-year longevity
Semicoherent Multipopulation Mortality Modeling 1027
bonds (known as the Kortis deal) valued at $50 million to hedge its life insurance
exposure in the United States and pension exposure in the United Kingdom (Blake
et al., 2014). The principal repayment of this bond depends on the divergence in
realized mortality improvements between males aged 55–65 in the United States and
males aged 75–85 in England and Wales.To value securities similar to the Kortis deal,
a multipopulation stochastic mortality model is indispensable.
In the past few years, there has been a significant volume of research work on the
problem of multipopulation mortality modeling. Several multipopulation stochastic
mortality models have been proposed by researchers, including Li and Lee (2005),
Cairns et al. (2011), Dowd et al. (2011), Jarner and Kryger (2011), Chen et al. (2013),
Hatzopoulos and Haberman (2013), Hunt and Blake (2013), Li and Hardy (2011), Lin
et al. (2013), Yangand Wang (2013), Zhou et al. (2013), Zhou et al. (2014), and Ahmadi
and Li (2014). The majority of the recent developments in multipopulation mortal-
ity modeling have been built on an important concept called coherence, originally
proposed by Li and Lee (2005).
In coherent mortality forecasting, the future mortality rates of two or more related
populations are modeled jointly in such a way that there is always a force that brings
the spread between the mortality rates of any two populations being modeled back
to a constant level. Hence, coherent mortality forecasts do not diverge indefinitely
over time. For example, in Li and Lee’s (2005) augmented common factor model, co-
herence is achieved by modeling each population-specific time trend by a first-order
autoregressive process. The coherence hypothesis is supported in part by the argu-
ment that differences in mortality between related populations should not increase
over time indefinitely if their similar socioeconomic conditions and close connections
continue. It is also supported by certain empirical observations. For instance, Wilson
(2001) finds a global convergence in mortality levels by comparing the distributions of
the global population by life expectancy over three different time periods, 1950–1955,
1975–1980, and 2000. The same conclusion is drawn by White (2002) who considers
mortality data from 21 high-income countries over the period of 1955–1996.
Nevertheless, whether a mortality convergence can be observed depends very much
on the observation window and the populations involved. Oeppen and Vaupel(2002),
who introduced the notion of best-practice life expectancy, note that although a num-
ber of countries including Japan and Chile are converging to the best-practice level,
some countries such as the United States have been moving away from it in recent
decades. Hatzopoulos and Haberman (2013) compute the probabilities of noncoher-
ence (nonconvergence) for the residual age-period model structures for a group of
35 national populations. Their estimation results indicate that for some populations,
for example, England and Wales, the probabilities of noncoherence were large. The
conclusions of several other studies have contradicted the hypothesis of coherence.
Based on data from the U.S. National Longitudinal Mortality Study, Waldron (2007)
finds that for individuals who died in 1972–2001 at ages 60–89, the top half of the aver-
age relative earnings distribution experienced faster mortality improvement than the
bottom half. This pattern, according to Mackenbach et al. (2003), also exists in some
other developed countries, including Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England
and Wales, and Italy. Therefore, the hypothesis of coherence may be too strong and

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