Selling by Storyboard.

PositionData Concepts Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee offers marketing software package - Brief Article

Stephen Spielberg and the Watt Disney animators use them to ensure that everything works out the way they intend. Now, Data Concepts Inc. of Nashville, Tenn., has adapted the storyboard technique for use in the marketplace.

The product, known as Adque, works on a Windows NT platform. It can deliver a tailor-made sales pitch to your customers, almost without regard to the way they connect with you. At the ATM, for example, the software can recognize the name of the customer using it, reference his or her personal history and transaction record, and deliver an automated marketing message--in pictures and in real time. If he or she reaches you by phone, the software provides your sales staff with the same sort of information and offers a storyboard "script" for selling the appropriate product Same for online users, and with an online camera--a $40 to $50 device that Data Concepts suggests you supply to customers as an incentive to...

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