Self-doubters tend to be more materialistic.

PositionYour Life - Brief Article

People with chronic self-doubt probably are more likely to define personal success by having the biggest house on the block or a new luxury car. An Ohio State University, Columbus, study found that individuals with enduring feelings of self-doubt scored higher on a measure of materialism--the tendency to value monetary success and material possessions over other goals in life. Specifically, they were more likely to believe that success was defined by what a person owns.

"Feelings of self-doubt can send people looking for meaning in their lives, with a goal toward boosting their self-worth," notes Robert Arkin, professor of psychology. "If they aren't deriving a sense of self-worth from other parts of their lives, they may feel that owning a lot of things proves they are successful.... For those people who are chronically insecure, materialism seems to be a coping mechanism that they use when they are put in a situation that makes them doubtful about themselves."

He says it is noteworthy that self-doubters score high on a type...

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