Self-care for mommy lawyers

AuthorJeena Cho
proportionate share of the cog nitive load when
it comes to child reari ng and running the house-
hold. This additional burden can le ad to increased
stress, especia lly for lawyers who are already under
tremendous pressure.
An importa nt strategy for manag ing stress and
maintaining well-being is self-care. Self-c are is defi ned
as any ac tivities that you do for yourself where you take
steps to identif y your own needs and meet them. It’s
about regularly doing activit ies to nourish yourself. It
means setti ng aside time to take proper c are of your-
self, and treat ing yourself as kindly a s you treat others.
I talk about self-ca re as part of my Better Lawyer ing
Through Mindfulne ss workshops, and often the partic-
ipants in the room who need self-ca re resist the most.
There’s an expectation that a good l awyer who is also a
mother is not allowed to have any time outside those t wo
roles—that any time spent cari ng for herself
is time being “selfi sh .
Even though the words “self-care” and
“selfi sh” sound similar, they a re actually
opposite in meaning. When I pract ice self-
care, I am ta king the time to charge my own
battery or fuel my ta nk so that I can perform
better. As the saying goe s, you can’t pour
from an empty cup. In contrast , when I am
being “selfi sh,” I am tak ing something away
from another for my own gain or benefi t.
This confusion in concepts of ten leads to
feelings of guilt. Th is, in turn, can lead to a
vicious cycle where the lawyer -mother con-
tinues to give without an oppor tunity to
rest, rejuvenate and res tore herself.
For at least the fi rs t fi ve years of hav-
ing children while prac ticing litigation full
time, Stephanie Spark s, a partner at Jackson
Walker in Dallas, was “convinced that self-ca re
was just not possible for lawyers.” She fell into the
trap that many lawyer s fall into. “My mindset was
that I would have to get caught up with a ll of my
to-do lists at t he o ce plus al l of my to-do lists for
my children before I could even contemplate doing
something as frivolous a s self-care.”
Unfortunately, there is never an ideal or convenient
time for self-care, a s Sparks eventually realized. “I con-
tinually thought that if I could jus t get to the end of a
school year or a fi sc al year or the case I was working on,
then I could start t aking care of myself. Of course, tha t
never happened .
For Sparks, incorporating self-c are activities happened
gradually. “It was an accu mulation of many di erent
events and a realizat ion that something had to change or
else I could not keep every thing going.”
Emily Little is director, legal counsel, at A lliance
Data in Powell, Ohio. She says, “By the end
of 2017, I was as heavy as I’d ever been,
exhausted and neede d a di erent approach.”
She remembers the date when she began her
self-care journey. On Dec. 31, her kids “ had
spectacula r meltdowns, and I just needed
an hour away. There was a yoga class during
nap time near my house, so I went.”
It’s important to note that there’s no pre-
scription for what you should do for self-care
or when. It’s all about understanding your
own needs. Sparks re alized something had
to change when she start ed running out of
steam. “I took baby steps—ma king doctor
appointments that I had needed for years ,
trying workout classe s and reading books for
pleasure. I had to choose t o prioritize these
activities a nd literally schedule them in my
Outlook calendar.”
Taking planned breaks, even when
busy, isn’t selfi sh and can actually
help your performance
By Jeena Cho
“Self-care is defi ned as any
activities that you do for
yourself where you take steps
to identify your own needs
and meet them.”

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