New leaders selected for ABA marketing network for 2008-09: keeping our members on the competitive edge.

PositionMARKETING edge - Glenview State Bank's David M. Kreiman - First Niagara Financial Group Inc's Leslie Garrity

Two new leaders have been selected for the Marketing Network for 2008-09. They are David M. Kreiman, CFMP, Senior Vice President, Glenview State Bank, Glenview, Ill., and Leslie Garrity, First Vice President--Corporate Affairs & Communications, First Niagara Bank, Buffalo, N.Y. In addition, a bank CEO, Greg Dufour, will continue in the role he had last year as CEO advisor. Dufour is the president and chief executive officer at Camden national Bank, Camden, Maine.

Below are profiles in a question-and-answer format of new-comers Kreiman and Garrity.

The Daily Challenge: Growing from the Existing Customer Base


David M. Kreiman, CFMP

Senior Vice President

Glenview State Bank

Glenview, III.

Asset Size: $940 million; 7 locations

What is your scope of responsibilities?

I am responsible for the sales and performance of the retail bank, including the branches and the call center. My role for commercial banking is more of a support role, as needed. I would say I am involved in 95 percent of all bank initiatives.

How many people work in your marketing department? What are the responsibilities

of each?

I have a full-time marketing specialist who handles all my direct mail fulfillment, miscellaneous projects, Intranet content and reports. I have a full-time advertising and public relations manager who handles ad placements and creation, donation requests, signage, Web site content and more.

What do you spend most of your time doing?

Dealing with customers and directing the efforts of my staff--making strategic decisions, both small and large.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that your bank faces?

This can change daily, but for now specifically it is to grow our business from the existing customer base. With a narrow geographic area, and an already good penetration, we always need to find a way to retain existing customers and reach out to them to let them know that we can assist them with financial issues in all areas, specifically: managing their day-to-day finances; savings needs; borrowing needs; asset management.

Do you use outside providers?

On a limited basis, I use an ad agency to provide some expertise and some "outside-the-box" ideas. I do utilize a sales performance company--we are at the end of year one of a two-year partnership designed to enhance the performance of all customer contact staff throughout every department of the bank. I also use outside printers for various projects and certain vendors for things...

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