As they see it.

"I could change my voter registration to say I live in Timbuktu, but that doesn't mean I live there."

--Florida Senator Jack Latvala (R), who pushed for a new rule requiring lawmakers to show documentation of their home address and district, instead of just stating it, as they've done in the past, as reported in the Miami Herald.

"We now for the first time have standards in our rules. It's a great day for us."

--Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford (R) after both chambers passed a new rule requiring lawmakers to live in the districts they represent, in the Miami Herald.

"Why is this here again?'

--South Dakota Representative Troy Heinert (D), reacting to a bill to allow people with concealed carry permits to bring guns into the state Capitol, as reported in the Rapid City Journal. The bill narrowly failed.

"Many citizens, I think the majority, have fundamental problems with Common Core and its implementation in the state. I believe that we, as a state, can do a far better job in this area than the federal government dictating to us, and that's the thrust of this bill."

Arizona Senator Al Melvin (R), whose bill would have prohibited Arizona from using Common Core educational standards, reported in the Arizona Republic. It died 18-12.

"So technically, you could be sitting in traffic playing Angry Birds--and that's totally legal."

--Colorado Representative...

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