Section 77 Dental Appliances and Mouth Alcohol

LibraryDWI Experts and the Science of Chemical Tests 2014

The actual dental appliance is not the problem in breath testing; the possible interference comes from food particles that absorb alcohol and can become trapped in dental appliances and chipped and broken teeth cavities. See:

· B.K. Logan & R.G. Gullberg, Lack of Effect of Tongue Piercing on an Evidential Breath Alcohol Test, 43 J. FORENSIC SCI. 239 (1998)

· D.J.H. Trafford & H.L.J. Makin, Breath Alcohol Concentration May Not Always Reflect the Concentration of Alcohol in Blood, 18 J. ANALYTICAL TOXICOLOGY 225 (1994)

Patrick Harding and Mary McMurray did a study that showed that alcohol can be trapped in the dental...

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