Section 75 Blowing Technique, Volume, and Flow Rate

LibraryDWI Experts and the Science of Chemical Tests 2014

Because people have different rates, force, and duration of blowing within the accepted criteria range of evidential breath-alcohol testing machines, it has been acknowledged that the normal biological variability for breath-alcohol testing is +/- 0.020 g (grams)/210 L (liter). See Kurt M. Dubowski & Natalie A. Essary, Breath-Alcohol Analysis on Duplicate Samples (1986), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety (1987). With a normal biological variability of +/- 0.020 g/210 L, a breath-alcohol test result at the per se level of 0.080 g/210 L has a biological variability of +/- 25%.

A biological variable as high as 0.04% has been found. C. Dennis...

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